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Five on Friday - the grumpy edition

Apologies for all those of you who like the Five on Friday posts to be happy posts. I am feeling a bit grumpy this week and I feel the need to share. Today I am sharing (in no particular order) what annoyed me this week. I have added some lovely photos for you to enjoy, all bar one completely unrelated to the writing. 

this week in our garden

Internet service providers. Ours is awful. It is unreliable at best. The WiFi router is also below par. It is particularly annoying if I am working from home and can't do the things I need to do, for example uploading teaching material onto the virtual learning environment. Customer service is deplorable. Typical call centre service with scripted answers.It is difficult to explain the problem because if it is not worded as on the script, it is discarded. In any case, he will insist you switch the box off on the wall, even if you have already done so. Twice. He will then 'do some tests', in all likelihood whilst he goes to the loo. You can object but why bother? I am saying 'he' but it could of course be a woman. The big four have had really poor ratings in the latest Which magazine, ours being the top of the bad lot (we are with Virgin). Any suggestions are welcome, either for a good provider or to learn how to talk to someone who can not think outside the script.

Car drivers. When I cycle to work, I pass a T-junction. I have the right of way. Almost every time, there is a driver who thinks he/she can just about squeeze past me before our paths cross. It is infuriating. Said drivers stop as they should, look at me and then drive out onto the junction, taking the risk to knock me off the bike for the sake of a few seconds gained. Once on the junction, said driver fixes the gaze straight ahead, away from me. What is wrong with those people? Knowing the game, I pay close attention but I really think traffic should not be rule by survival of the strongest.

This one is stalking two moorhens

Urban foxes: They take my milk from the front steps at least once a week (it comes in plastic bottles). Urban foxes are only cute on Springwatch. Some people around here feed the foxes, our neighbour has a fox den in the garden. I feel guilty when the same neighbour complains about our barking dog. Most dogs barks at foxes, ours does when the fox just sits there and stares at him. Not continuously I hasten to add, nor every day, but occasionally when he manages to escape through the cat flap unnoticed (the dog, not the neighbour).

Children. Not all children and not all the time. Just mine, and just sometimes. For example when they fail to mention that they have eaten all the breakfast cereals, sausages, pasta, Nutella (the latter being particularly upsetting). Or when they boil coins in vinegar in the microwave (in the name of science), put the empty milk carton back in the fridge and don't replace the empty toilet roll.

On my way home from work

Life style blogs. I sometimes scroll through the 'all blogs' list on Bloglovin because I have nothing better to do, or because I am trying to avoid doing something more useful. What is it with life style blogs? '7 suits that will make you feel powerful' . The superhero costume for successful women? I think not. Feeling empowered comes from within, your power suit may add a professional look. '8 superfood snacks that will get you through the day'. The science behind superfoods is at best sketchy, they are hyped by the media, life style bloggers and the food babe. Moreover, superfoods cost a fortune a punnet. What about 'No-fail plan: how to spring clean your house (and keep it clean)'. Ditch the children and/or your partner? Best of all: 'The $58 shorts that promise to make your butt look amazing'I have to admit I was tempted to read this. Finally, 'How to be a morning person'. Drugs maybe?  Of course you are right  to say that nobody makes me read any of those blog posts and that they are largely harmless. But are they? I think not. They prey on the insecure and easily fooled, messages are replicated on social media, news outlets and whatnot.

I also take exception 

  • to busybodies and playground super mums 
  • when someone tells me they made a sugar free cake with maple syrup.Which is about 85% sucrose, the disaccharide that is in ordinary sugar, making the sugar free cake a cake with less sugar, which of course is good. Call me a pedant if you like; 
  • when Amazon suggests I might also like false eyelashes when I buy earphones (I don't);
  • when someone tells me childhood infections such as measles are good for them; 
  • when a bra wire wiggles its way out during a wash cycle;
  • .... 

I could add to the list but I don't want to frighten all my readers away. What makes you grumpy? Please do tell. I don't like being grumpy all alone. In the meantime, thank you for stopping by and reading this post. I hope you'll be back. Please check out other (more uplifting) Five on Friday posts here. xx

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