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Writing in the New Year (Inspirational Monday)

The first Monday of every month I like to blog about something or someone that inspired me to write or continue writing.

Today my inspiration is new beginnings.

I've been self-educating over the last few weeks on the craft of creative writing as a way to get better. I am still writing as I do this. I have four 3000-4000 word short stories that I popped out since the holiday break started. It's exciting to get stuff done.

I have no intention on publishing them myself. Some of them may end up as submissions to places if and when I clean them up a bit. I did it more as an exercise.

It feels like a rebirth. I'm looking at my writing in a new light, a new beginning.

The other thing I plan on focusing on--again from the standpoint of developing my craft--is observation. I was always a naturally keen observer, it's what gravitated me to the sciences. But now I want to focus on the details. It is something that is missing in my writing. The finer tune has escaped me too many times. Therefore one of my exercises is to sit and write observations I make in random settings. Such as a grocery store, or at the bus stop.

I've been watching other people--not in a creepy way--and I find it fascinating. The other day I saw a woman doing the same thing I was doing. She would look up, roam her eyes around the room, and then write in her notebook. She did this repeatedly. I couldn't help but imagine she was doing the same thing I was.

Best of luck in the new year!

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