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This tin contains treasure

This old tin contains treasures for next year.

All the seeds left over from this year!

 Two seed catalogues have arrived already, both have special offers for early ordering so I though I would see what we have left. Then we can work out what we need for next year.
Sorting out the seed order is one of my favourite jobs, although I usually do it in November. But with catalogues arriving earlier each year I suppose I had better get organised.
We will think about what did well this year and what we need to grow less or more of to sell next year. Then I'll write a big list and work out the best seed companies to get them from.

Thank you to everyone for the good wishes yesterday. Him Outside is home again, safe and sound. He had a much easier time for this second stent so after a few days rest and a week of not driving he will be fine again.

We had a really chilly night last night, when I went to let the chickens out at 7am it was down to just below 7 degrees C. Felt like winter already and I'm glad I sorted out the hats and gloves last week. I just need to put my big thick, lined fleece jacket in the wash as it got forgotten during all the hot sunny weather - how daft am I? This fleece is really warm and  once belonged to our son when he was about 15, so that makes it 16 +  years old . I think it will go on forever.

I've actually got around to picking up my cross stitch again. Just a small card design but a bit unusual as the stitching bit is a mannequin clothes stand, stitched on perforated paper then cut out and  the dress that goes on it is made of paper and card. Picture when finished!

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