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Sending Love From My Happy Home to Yours

Just popping out of my little yellow house with the blue shutters to send a little LOVE your way this Valentine's Day.

I've dusted off my Valentine's Day bonnet and. . .

helped Cupid sharpen up his bows.

Early this morning I wandered into the rose garden (ahem) and selected a beautiful and fragrant rose just for you.
From the warm and cozy kitchen you may smell the scent of the cherry pie whirling and swirling through the air as the tea kettle whistles a happy tune.
We did a little early morning baking just for you, Sweetie Pie.

After all, I couldn't let this day go by without wishing you all a
Happy Valentine's Day.
The little (yellow & blue) bird has it right...
A Valentine for Someone NICE.  You all are so nice and I wish you happiness and love today.

On a side note I learned that one of my blog friends is celebrating a birthday today.  If you have a moment to stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday, I think that would make her smile. I also think you will enjoy your visit as her blog looks just like a pretty Valentine. You can visit her at Leisure Lane by clicking here
Happy, Happy Birthday to Marianne
Happy, Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Looks like it's going to be a happy day all around.


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