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On the farm

The girls keep  me on my toes.  More weaving this morning.  They really do love it.
And you are right, their selvedges are just about perfect, and I think it's exactly because they DON'T think about it.
They just weave.
There is something so natural about the way they do it.

But they wanted to see "Maizie", my friend's goat baby.  So off to the farm we headed.

My BFF and her partner have a small part of heaven.  And I'm not kidding.

Her sheep have to cross this little bridge to get to their pasture.

A little mud, and the threat of bugs was not about to deter these two.
They were on a mission.

The flock was in the far corner of the four acres, under some trees for shade.  There was a lovely breeze blowing.

Maizie is getting big, but she is still the princess here.

 Some are not so impressed, though.

Some are downright grumpy about it.

I can STILL see you.

We had a great day.   It's like being a mother with young kids again, but better.

I love watching them investigate their world.  Do you remember when everything was so new and wonderful??
It's good to remember.

 We left the farm and went to town, where we had Mexican for lunch, and ended up in the book store.
The girls were intent on picking out books.
I left the childrens' section for a few minutes, and my friend, who had stayed with the two girls, texted me and said, "you are in SO much trouble."
Ah, yes.  But it's only money.
And there is something so special about kids in a book store.
I wrote down the names of the books I wanted, came home, and requested them online from the library.
And it's ALL good.

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