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Highlights of the News

We fight for a generation yet born.

ITEM 1: President Emeritus Donald John Trump was magnificent in his CPAC speech. He dressed down Chairman Xiden in a manner that no one in the media will.

Neither CNN nor MSNBC carried his speech live because they are afraid of retribution from the federal government. Fox was allowed to broadcast him live because Corporate America and the deep state want to keep up the pretense that we have a free press.

The 45th president won a CPAC straw poll for 2024.

No surprise because he earned the poll by his actions.

ITEM 2: Quotes from our president emeritus include:

"Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history... In just one short month, we have gone from America first to America last."

"With your help we will take back the house, we will win the Senate and then a Republican president will make a triumphant return to the White House. And I wonder who that will be."

"There's no reason whatsoever why the vast majority of young Americans should not be back in school immediately. The only reason that most parents do not have that choice is because Joe Biden sold out America's children to the teachers' unions."

"On behalf of the moms, dads and children of America, I call on Joe Biden to get the schools open and get them open now."

"Your families still cannot go out to eat at local restaurants but Joe Biden is bringing in thousands upon thousands of refugees from all over the world — people that nobody knows anything about. We don’t have their crime records, we don’t have their health records, what are they bringing in with them?"

"I may even decide to beat them a third time."

I don't think so. He would be 82 at the end of the term.

ITEM 3: The knives are out for Andrew Cuomo, who killed thousands of grannies in the name of fighting covid. Or in deference to his nickname, Fredo's dumber brother, they are taking him out on a one-way fishing trip.

The covid deaths are not how they plan to bring him down because that would be an admission that the draconian measures Democrats embraced failed.

Sex will do.

The Associated Press reported, "A second former aide said she was sexually harassed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who responded with a statement Saturday saying he never made advances toward her and never intended to be inappropriate.

"Charlotte Bennett, a health policy adviser in the Democratic governor’s administration until November, told The New York Times Cuomo asked her inappropriate questions about her sex life, including whether she ever had sex with older men.

"Another former aide, Lindsey Boylan, a former deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser to the governor, recently accused Cuomo of subjecting her to an unwanted kiss and inappropriate comments. Cuomo denied the allegations."

How fitting, because sex brought down the man elected before him as governor, Eliot Spitzer.

Maybe Cuomo will land a CNN gig afterward like Spitzer did. Maybe CNN can team the granny-killer with his brother for the Fredo and Fredo Unintended Comedy Hour.

ITEM 4: Flashback to August 14, 2020: "A new poll of potential Democrat candidates for president in 2024 has New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading the field -- and it seems no one is more surprised than Cuomo himself."

Now you know why they want to bring him down.

ITEM 5: The Washington Examiner reported, "If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 commission ever begins work probing the causes and effect of the pro-Trump riots, the role of media perpetuating the former president's claim of election theft should also be included, according to a GOP proponent.

"Said embattled Rep. Liz Cheney, 'I think that, you know, any media organization that was perpetuating the notion — continues to perpetuate the notion — that the election was fraudulent or was stolen is contributing to a very dangerous set of circumstances.' "

Cheney is a radical lefty who wants to shut down any and all dissent.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy should shut her up, citing national security reasons, of course.

By the way, what about media outlets that claimed the 2016 election was fraudulent or was stolen through Russian collusion?

ITEM 6The New York Post reported, "Freshman firebrand Congresswoman Lauren Boebert drew cheers at CPAC Saturday after saying she was no fan of the continued security around Washington, D.C. — and Fort Pelosi.

" 'I wouldn’t be surprised if we start quartering soldiers in the committee hearing rooms,' Boebert said during a gun-rights panel at the annual GOP confab.

" 'There’s plenty in the parking garages at Fort Pelosi. Maybe we can start unreasonably seizing and searching members of Congress. Oh, wait, we’re already doing that in House chambers,' she added.

"National Guard troops and barricades have been a mainstay in the Capitol since the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection. A growing number of lawmakers have begun to question the optics of the continued security measures."

It is interesting that Chairman Xiden is using state militia rather than federal troops to shut down demonstrations and protests in the capital.

ITEM 7: The Food and Drug Administration announced, "Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the third vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The EUA allows the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to be distributed in the U.S for use in individuals 18 years of age and older."

It is a one-shot vaccine.

I may wait for the sugar cube.

Operation Warp Speed will liberate our country from ogres like Whitmer (aka Whitler) and DeWine (aka De Whiner).

ITEM 8: The Hill reported, "The Nebraska Republican Party officially rebuked Sen. Ben Sasse Saturday over his vote in favor of impeaching former President Trump earlier this month, CNN reports."

Nebraska elected a Republican who turned into a Democrat.

ITEM 9: NDTV reported, "Multiple blasts shook Riyadh on Saturday as Saudi state television reported that a missile attack launched by Yemen's Huthi rebels had been thwarted.

"The Iran-backed Huthis have escalated attacks on the kingdom, while they step up an offensive to seize the Saudi-backed Yemeni government's last northern stronghold of Marib."

I wonder if that was Israeli Iron Dome technology at work.

ITEM 10: John Harwood of CNN reported, "White evangelicals' dominance of the GOP has turned it into the party of resistance."

Just like white atheists turned Democrats into the party of resistance 4 years ago.

ITEM 11The Verge reported, "Minneapolis is hiring social media influencers to share 'city-generated and approved messages' during the trials of four former city police officers charged in the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, according to the Minnesota Reformer. The Minneapolis city council approved the plan on Friday, which calls for six influencers to be paid about $2,000 each to spread the city’s messages with Black, Native American, Hmong, and Latino communities."

This is government-paid jury tampering,

Hitler and Stalin tip their hats.

ITEM 12: Just the News reported, "A prominent, male scholar who once sat on the board of the National Organization for Women is now sounding the alarm on what he calls a crisis of fatherlessness, putting him at odds with his former colleagues.

"While feminists often call for society to 'dismantle the patriarchy,' Warren Farrell, who has taught at seven universities, including Georgetown, Rutgers and American University, said he has tracked a dismantling of fatherhood in many communities that has wreaked a devastating toll on boys and men, including a rise in gangs, homelessness and domestic and foreign terrorism."

The problem is men often divorce their children as well as their wives. 

ITEM 13: CNBC reported, "Iran rejects informal nuke talks with U.S. and EU, insists Biden drop sanctions first."

Chairman Xiden will say yes master.

Interestingly, CNBC filed this story under politics.

Politics once ended at the water's edge. Of course, politicians in Washington used to work for the United States.

ITEM 14: United Press International reported, "An iceberg the size of Los Angeles broke off the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica on Friday, but chances of it moving a significant distance or running aground are still unknown, according to the British Antarctic Survey.

"The iceberg had been slowly breaking away from the Brunt Ice Shelf, a nearly 500-foot-thick floating ice shelf, at about a half-mile per day since January as it pushed northeast. That crack widened several hundred feet in a matter of hours Friday before completely breaking free."

This is called calving. It is a sign that Antarctica has too much ice.

ITEM 15: CNS News reported, "The Dutch parliament issued a resolution declaring that Communist China’s treatment of the Muslim Uyghurs constitutes genocide. This was the first such declaration by a European nation."

Netherlands did Anne Frank proud.

ITEM 16Albert Hunt wrote, "The Conservative Political Action Committee's annual presidential preference poll over the years was won four times by Mitt Romney, three times by Jack Kemp and once by George W. Bush.

"None would be welcome at the conference held this week in Orlando, Fla.

"This right-wing confab now is more TPAC — as in Trump — than CPAC. The former president reasserted his dominance of the Republican party through 2024. Differences, much less dissent, are verboten. Former Vice President Mike Pence isn't attending, knowing he'd face a hostile reception after refusing last month to violate the law and reject the electoral votes on the presidential election."

Why would it not be TPAC?

President Emeritus Donald Trump succeeded. He cut taxes, he cut regulations, and he cut the unemployment rate to 3.5%.

Kemp would be welcome because he was a true conservative and not a creature of DC.

But Romney was never particularly conservative as a governor and in the Senate he has turned into the 51st Democrat senator.

ITEM 17: The New York Post reported, "A federal judge on Friday approved a $650 million settlement of a privacy lawsuit against Facebook for allegedly using photo face-tagging and other biometric data without the permission of its users.

"U.S. District Judge James Donato approved the deal in a class-action lawsuit that was filed in Illinois in 2015. Nearly 1.6 million Facebook users in Illinois who submitted claims will be affected.

"Donato called it one of the largest settlements ever for a privacy violation."

Members of the class get $345 each.

The class-action lawyers earned their haul. Some ambulances need chasing.

ITEM 18: Fast Company reported, "The 6 best jokes from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s Golden Globes monologue."

The story said, "While encouraging the audience of first responders and essential workers in attendance to let loose just like the stars, they suggested that in a normal year, 'Quentin Tarantino would be just crawling under the tables touching people’s feet.' "

And the list ended with Fey saying, "French Exit is what I did after watching the first episode of Emily in Paris."

They really miss President Trump, don't they?

And hey, aren't those police and other first responders that Hollywood honored the same people that liberals demanded we defund as they burned cities down?

ITEM 19: Salon reported, "Calling for any immigration or refugee policy at the U.S. border impacting unaccompanied minors to put the 'child’s best interests' first and foremost, Amnesty International on Tuesday responded to the Biden administration’s reopening of a controversial detention center in Texas by warning against any return to the cruel and unacceptable conditions of the past."

The best place for these children are their homes thousands of miles away where people speak their language, share their customs, and know who they are.

FINALLY, President Trump rocked and rolled for 90 minutes in a speech at CPAC on Sunday.

Chairman Xiden could not read a list of names of congressmen. Aussie journalists are calling the dotard out.

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