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Floored....Covid day 2

 Firstly, a great big thank you to those who have wished me well and commented on yesterday's post. It means a lot. 

So after I published yesterday I seemed to go downhill fast. I got more tired as the day went on and when the HG got home I was wrapped in a blanket on the sofa - with a mask on  - shivering and feeling dreadful. I'd had a little weep of despair. I felt awful. I was unable to make any tea for the menfolk. I didn't want anything myself.  I needed to go to bed. I had no strength to get up off the sofa. All of my joints were sore and I was cold.  My skin hurt to touch. 

Mr 24 bought himself a new double bed just before Christmas, I'd sold the perfect single bed frame on FB Marketplace and the mattress was standing on end on the back landing waiting for it's final journey to the tip.  The back bedroom is my craft room but it had all been packed away for the duration of Miss 27's stay. She has a big double airbed to sleep on with a quilt. Whilst the airbed was down, it wasn't packed away yet and my craft room was still packed away as such. I asked the HG to lay the single mattress down in the room and I made up my bed with all the old quilts etc and I said I would sleep in there. I know it is probably a case of shutting the stable door once the horse has buggered off but I felt better in my mind for doing so. I fell into that bed at about 6.19pm and slept til midnight. Needed a drink and some paracetamol. Achey and headache back and I was on off on off with the covers the rest of the time until this morning. 

So waking up on what is day 2, I felt rubbish and unrested. I was honestly a bit shocked at how quickly this thing has floored me. Again I stayed upstairs until the coast was clear. I opened windows to let the covid out - I hate that advert but it is so effective. I got dressed and the effort was tiring. Tomorrow I will not be getting dressed! I had a cup of tea - taste and smell still intact! I then spent a while answering messages sent from friends. It is the tree taking down day and after removing a fw baubles I noticed how tired I was so I sat and fell asleep. When I woke up I felt more OK so stuck a stew in the slow cooker and did a bit more tree. This time I noticed that going upstairs to the bathroom had me out of breath. My thighs were sore as if I'd done a run. The cough was more noticable than yesterday. I did a bit more sitting down. I put the TV on but I couldn't concentrate. As the day has gone on, I have felt more weary, more coughing and everything is taking an effort. It's 8.30pm and I'm writing this with a hurty neck and headache. I also keep  getting the odd shooting pain in my stomach. I am keeping going because it is almost time for my paracetamol and then I will be  going to bed. No shower - I just dont feel well enough. The feverish chills have returned and my joints ache. I will be taping The Apprentice to watch tomorrow if I can be bothered. Mr 24 came home and walked Bluebell in the torrential rain and the HG finished removing the lights off the tree. The tree is down ( in bits but just in dining room which is where it will stay until someone puts it away properly ). The lounge looks bare.

Hearing from work, I have learned two more staff members tested positive this morning. That's 7 off now. 

Main points from day 2

Still got taste and smell

still got headache and its awful

Still fever and shivery

Still pains in back

New - neck pain

New - breathlessness

New - pains in innards

Love from Mrs Invincible!

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