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...and A Friendly Reminder That the Short Story Challenge...uh, short stories, are due February 14th.

Link to the Short Story Challenge Details. There are several posts there one after the other, please read them so you'll get the whole flavor and idea of what inspired the challenge to begin with.

The pressure's on! Hey listen, do what you can. We're all friends here. If you only have half a story by the end date, submit that. At least you participated. The point is to get you writing. I'm still trying to get beyond the first paragraph concerning the emu. And I still have to design and execute the winning artwork for the badge. The winner will get a a scanned copy of the art to post on their blog or hang on their wall or whatever else they can think of to do with it. (If the winner is in this country, I may send the original art out as well. I'm thinking about it.)

Depending on how many of us contribute, we will vote on the story we each like best, tally those votes and I'll name the winner. Here's how we'll work the story posting thing since I didn't use the ubiquitous Mr. Linky - I read the instructions and couldn't figure out head nor tails, so no linky. Hopefully, there will be enough of us entered, to make voting viable. You will each send me your vote once you've read all the stories.

The Be-All and End-All:
February 14th or 15th, you each post your story on your blog, then email me that you've done so. I'll go check it out and pick up your link which I will then post on my blog. I would like all the stories posted no later than the 15th so I can round up all the links as you alert me to them and post them all together on my blog so we can each go back and forth to each other's stories. If that makes no sense to any of you, please let me know. Thanks. It's up to you if you want to post all the links, additionally, on your own blogs.

The reason for the 14th/15th variation is because of the different time zones.

Even if you didn't indicate you were participating from the beginning, you are still eligible to join in. It is NOT necessary to use up all the 1500 words as indicated in the rules - that's more of an outline than anything else. It'a all easy-peasy around here.

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