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Easy Home Made Nooodles

I am famous for my home made chicken noodle soup.  So was my mom.  Well, we're more famous for our home made noodles that go IN the soup.  And *leans toward you with a motion like she's going to share a secret*...they are so easy to make you'll be amazed and they are cheap to make as well.  Nothing hits the spot when you have a bad cold than a bowl of soup with home made noodles in it.

So, here you go folks.  The easiest home made noodles and they really do give you a "wow" factor to home made chicken noodle soup.  Make these and you'll be happy you did.

Easy Home Made Noodles 
  • 1 Cup AP flour
  • 1 Egg
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little bit of water

Combine the flour, salt and egg in a bowl and using your hands mush it all together.  If the dough is still too dry to stick together, add water until a stiff dough is formed.

Lightly flour your counter top and using a good rolling pin roll the dough very thin (be sure to pick up the dough from time to time to make sure it's not sticking to the counter), using flour as needed to keep things from sticking.  Once you have the dough super thin, take a knife and slice the dough into thin strips (cut long strips in half unless you want REALLY long noodles).

Add the noodles to boiling soup in the last few minutes of cooking a few at a time (if you add them all at once you're going to have a mess.  Add a few and mix the soup and repeat).  Boil the noodles in the soup for a few minutes to cook them all the way through (they will puff up significantly, so don't be alarmed).
Serve and be prepared for people making yummy sounds.

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