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President Trump fighting Coronovirus and the much more dangerous and nefarious forms of fake news outlets prepared and financed to push an attack on American democracy

Ed West
    President Trump faces all sorts of enemies
in addition to the Coronovirus biological weapon on loan by China and his daily briefings exposes which reporters and networks are fully in the pockets of the Chinese one-party fascist communist state. Donald Trump  is facing a barrage of pre-palnned frontal attacks as he has done since day one of taking office and eventually the president may have to do with what other leaders done and this is shut down the networks whose underlining goals is to undermine everything he does as there is little fair and objecting press in today's world  and globe.
Press have been shit in other countries by so-called authoritarian populists including Vladimir Putin and if these international press forces that have been shut down acted like these American press forces such as CNN and MSNBC then one can see why these other world leaders have shut down the credentials and ordered various organizations to shut down. President Trump is fighting the bias and partisan left-wing alternative smaller sites and hosts such as Kyle Kulinski who lies and propagandizes as a total fascist socialist on his lame Secular Talk program, . Kulinski has his dezinans of trolls and left-wingers who go to bat and comment for him and give a positive feedback for this clown and attack anything that is pro-Trump and pro-America.
 President Trump has long had to deal with the fake news and fake late night political talk that is all globalist propaganda bringing in international people from East Africa such as the unfunny and stupid Trevor Noah. Mr Noah is now working in his moms basement and made some  video comparing Joe Exotic Tiger king convict to president Trump in Mr Noah's usual propagandize style as Noah and all these other rate night host shave essentially become bias partisan political liars and manipulators for the international
 President Trump also has to fight the evil and activist reporters such as the former NPR reject and horrible reporter named Yamiche Alcindor  whom president Trump had to admonish several times and call her out for continual confrontational approach and he eagerness to brand herself as a fat leftist radical who confronts the president.
moneyed classes upset at Trump's trade barriers and meddling. Of course, Mr Trump has been called out as a racist for redirecting racism back at this woman and others like her in the media whose main problem and hatred for Donald Trump is because he is not a caramel-coated Black man lie the last president Obama Hussein  who had origins  from both Indonesia and Kenya.
 Trump also has to deal with the meddling of these foreign newscasts  sites and broadcasts that penetrate our nation such as Al Jezzera and RT which is owned and subsidized by the new Russian empire and brings about such fake news silver spooners, golddiggers and Bitcoin pushers as radical economist Max Keiser and his Keiser Report. Keiser and his Russian backers work hard for both the gold industry and the dollar haters foreign national interests ad Max Keiser is quite literally on the payroll of China, Londonstan, and the Russians. President Trump faces several nefarious attempts to undermine and destroy our economy and democracy by the fear maskers whose mask and fear have become the new symbol of the complete takeover and conquest of America by the international  order and Trump is virtually fighting this onslaught alone as America drift into a brutal one party state authoritarian sick society much like China.

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