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Graham Hancock finally loses his marbles rocker on a RT interview

     Wilbur Morris
   Mr Graham "cracker" Hancock is a silly son of a bitch who will tell anyone form their mother to their gay brother that human ity and civilization is 200,000 years old instead of the commonly held conception that human cities and civilization as we know it started 11,000 BC . Goofy Graham doesn't get much serious mainstream media and publicity and basically just appears on RT Russian nonsense network to display his brain and hard-wired imagery and fantasies of a  long lost accomplishments and lost technological past and wonders.
Grahma believes we had artificial intelligence and virtual reality back in the cave days and now he is on RT talking to ugly dude fuck faces about some DNA similarities between Micronesian and ahhh lizard people in Iguanaland or something. Mr Graham believes humanity built temples and cites of pyramids way back in the day like 200000 years before Christ and the pyramids at Giza are the last of these networks where past civilizations and gamers played great video games that are impractical to modern thought.
Mr Handcock gets his cock hard and is so confident and pertinacious on this topic it makes for interesting viewership and readership as this is a classic monothical con-job and one must wonder how long before the corporate mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC puts wuacks like him on their network like Al Jezzera and RT network does having this British clown speak rabbit on their networks. Graham is a ham and basically he sells books and will put as many nonfactual crap out there and is a leading legend of the fish tales of long lost civilization and past human accomplishments that are basically Harry Potter fiction books and how this jackass is taken seriously by anyone with a human brain is humorous. Graham needs to think as a teen and just play some video games and fortnight or something ahhh maybe a coder instead of a fake story writer.

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