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Yannis Yaroufakis deemed too cocky for EU negotiations

Alex Mousololpoplous
   Yanius Yaroufakis is the finance minister of the new leftist Greek government that is the one making demands to European neo-colonialist central bankers. the EU central bankers long accustomed to the standatory ass kissing by those negotiating extensions and loans were horrified by the cockiness during early negotiations by this Greek communist and professor of Economics who for years made the rounds on progressive programs around the world explaining the causes and consequences with the numerous Greek debt crisis. Yannis was so tough during the negotiations that they had to take him off the latest rounds of talks and his influence curbed as talks stalled when Yannis was a Greek actually showing backbone and making demands for a change. The EU ministers cannot stand the rock star appeal and the influence this guy has in the international stage and giving in with these early negotiations they realized would only increase this great dudes prestige. Yannis said there would be a debt deal next week as Euro money masters know that a Greek exit would bold bad for their currencies and influence others leaving this supposedly free-trade zone and harder for the European Union nobles to move their money around and use a single currency for their influence with\in governments and the economies of so many nations. Yannis Yaroufakis pretty much wrote about how bankers and their global economy influences government often corrupting it so they can gain control of internal operations in the book "Global Minotaur" where Yannis claims the financing of the world to Americas enormous budgets is what leads to these crashes worldwide when the beast gets wounded and wants more tribute from nations to keep it charging. A riveting book by the premier economist of the world leading the fight against the inequalities and tremendous greed of global financialization and domination from a small class in their warfare on all the lower classes.

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