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Nick Digilio angry at bizare noises of upstairs neighbors

Carl Olsen
   Nick Digilio was talking about his upstairs neighbors recently on his podcast slash radio program at WGN radio in Chicago. Man bran folks unlike their rural or suburban counterparts has to deal with neighbors and living in Milwaukee right now and  having apartment dwellers who make noise can be a compelling situation to have to deal. Nick D moves often often loving to live in the seedier neighborhoods in  Chicago and loves neighborhoods that have an edge and he chose Albany Park to reside after being thrown out f his home following a divorce. Albany Park is about has decreptive of a neighborhood as you will find on the North Side of Chicago with a large number of Latin and Korean immigrant neighbors whom have little regard to volume level for their neighborhoods. It is shitty immigrant neighborhoods like what you encounter at Lawrence and Pulaski to why so many prior immigrants flock as quickly as they can to doldrums suburbia. Digilio had some upstairs neighbors who made such atrocious noise that he could only describe it as a Rhino bowling alley and he can not phantom what the tuck the noise could be. The apprehension of approaching his upstairs neighbors and making a noise complain is understandable as there are tons of nuts out there and its not good once they know where you live.I once had to call the police on upstairs neighbors and the clunking of the noise that Digilio clearly describes sounds like a bunch of transsexual shitheads up there doing their best to impersonate a Manhattan fashion runway.
When my relative cop approached y neighbors he clearly saw a shady party where half of the people were men and other half clearly tried not to be and I am sure in this Albany Park complex and Nick Digilio's current noise situation is similar. Hopefully Nick Digilio can fix this neighbor problem and gets the quite her deserves sitting on his couch and getting dumb and drunk. A man of his radio talent and statue deserves some quit time when he is unwinding trying to enjoy a rerun of the Wire.

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