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Everything You Need To Create The Perfect Pancake Day at Home with Asda's Pancake Range

Can you believe Pancake day is tomorrow? Pancake day has to be the most exciting day since Christmas and in my household we LOVE pancakes! We love them so much so, that we don't wait a whole year fill our tummies this scrumptious food, so as you can imagine we love going all out on a special day that is purely dedicated to eating pancakes. This year I've teamed up with Asda and have been getting some extra practice in before the big day and I've been trying and testing out the Asda pancake range so I can help you create the perfect pancake day at home too. So if you love pancakes just as much as I do then keep on reading and grab a pen and some paper as I've got your shopping list sorted.

Cooking Utensils

If there's one thing I've learnt about pancake making over the years, is that having the right tools is key; I've had so many occasions when my pancakes have been ruined because they've stuck to the bottom of the pan. A shallow, round non stick pan is a MUST for cooking pancakes and it will pretty much ensure they are perfect every single time. One thing that get's me really excited about pancakes this year is the new Tefal Non-Stick Unicorn pan, which is currently on offer at Asda for £12.00. Not only does this pan look pretty with its gorgeous colourful illustration of a unicorn at the back, but on the front you'll find a template drawing of a unicorn which you can use as a guide to outline with the pancake mix and then fill it in to create unicorn shaped pancakes! I mean why have regular looking pancakes when you can have unicorn ones! I was so excited when I first saw this and even more so when I realised that it was so easy to use and only takes a bit of practice to get it right. The Unicorn pan comes with a little squeeze bottle, which makes creating the unicorn really easy, all you need is a steady hand and you'll be a pro in no time. What's also great about this pan, is that you can easily cook up a regular pancake on it too because this pan really is non-stick and I didn't have any problems whatsoever, although I can't guarantee a perfect pancake flip every time (I'm still working on mine). 

Other useful handy tools which will help make any pancake day run a lot smoother are a trusty mixing bowl, a measuring jug, measuring cups, a whisk and spatula to turn the pancakes. Most of my cooking utensils are made from stainless steel, which is not really ideal as it can damage pans and leave scratches if you're not careful. If you're popping into Asda I'd recommend popping in their  silicone spatula and whisk that have easy grip wooden handles into your basket as I found these really useful in my pancake making. 

The Ingredients 

One of my favourite things to do before pancake day is head out shopping with a list of everything that I need. The most exciting things on my list are definitely the toppings and sauces, but finding a good pancake mix is definitely key to creating perfect pancakes. This year I'll be using the Asda Pancake Batter Mix Shaker, which is perfect if you love thin crepe like pancakes. I love how easy this is to use and all you need to do is add water, which is great for us busy parents or for anyone who doesn't want to buy all the individual ingredients to make their own batter. I love how fuss free this is and all I need to do is add the water to the fill line, give the bottle a good shake and I'm good to go. What's really great is Asda also offer a Free From Pancake Shaker, which is free from gluten and milk - So everyone can enjoy pancakes.

If you prefer American style pancakes (my personal favourite) then take a look at the Asda Batter mix - Again this is really simple and easy to use and all you need to do is add a little bit of water and an egg and it will create the most yummy pancakes. My top tip for creating really fluffy pancakes is to separate the egg white and yolk. Mix the yolk in with the batter mix and place the egg white in a separate bowl and whisk it up until it forms a soft peak. Once it's looking all fluffy like a cloud, gently fold into the batter mix and you will have the most fluffy pancakes that are Instagram worthy (and that taste delicious too).

The 'what do you have on your pancakes' is always the top of conversation every pancake day and I love that there are so many combinations to choose from. I'm definitely the kind of person who has to eat a few pancakes, just so I can enjoy a combination of toppings - It's impossible to pick out one. Some of my favourites have to be the classic honey and lemon or strawberries and chocolate sauce. But there are so many other good ones to choose from, I've listed some ideas below that will really get your tastebuds excited for Pancake day.

  • Askey's Treat Chocolate or Toffee Sauce, these taste amazing combined with chopped up banana.
  • Maple Syrup
  • Lime Juice and Sugar
  • Chocolate Spread
  • Honey, Natural Yogurt and blueberries if you're trying to be healthy.

Perfect Pancakes

The prep work is easy, the cooking is really fun, but the best bit of pancake day without a doubt is the eating part. I'm really happy at how well my pancakes went down with my family and they all loved the unicorn design, especially Archie who kept repeating the word 'horsey' every time he went to take a bite.... It was so cute. Even though we've enjoyed a pre-pancake day, it definitely won't be stopping us from going all out on Shrove Tuesday, I'm already excited to put my Unicorn pan to good use again. For those of you who want to go all out, I've left a shopping list for you below where you'll find a direct link to all the ingredients and crookery that I've used or jot a little list down and head into your local Asda as you'll find most things on the list there. I can’t thank the Asda Dunstable store enough for sending me my pamper that has helped me master the art of the perfect pancake.

I'd love to know what's your favourite topping on your pancakes. Let me know in the comments below. 

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*This blog post is in association with Asda Dunstable store

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