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Etude House Summer 2014 Princess Happy Ending

Riding on the popularity of anything princess, one of my favorite Korean brand, Etude House has launched a princess themed collection too!

The Princess Happy Ending series is related to the Disney's famous princesses line-up, even though i dont see any likeness of Snow, Belle, Cinderela and Jasmine themselves in the make up packaging shots so far... *
It is divided to 4 themes: Snow White, Cinderella, Belle and Jasmine. Each offers different type set of make ups. I can't decide whether I love Jasmine or Belle more... What about you?

Update: I managed to purchase Belle's blush (review here) and Cinderella's eyeshadow.


*update: earlier I thought the collection is not related to Disney. But then I saw Disney(c) logo... 

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