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Donald Trump: Why I'm Voting Him For President

America is sinking. Our greatness has fallen into a sinkhole. This cannot be disputed. Our national debt has risen to over 19 trillion dollars. In recent world freedom rankings, we fell from 17th to 20th. Hong Kong is more free than America. This is disgusting. Our world economy was in the top five back in 2000 but now, it is ranked 12th. This ranking will continue to drop for every illegal alien that crosses our border. We are 25th in education. With what we spend per student, we should at least be top ten. Half of our nation is jobless or working a part-time job when they want to work a full-time job. More and more mom and pop shops are closing up. Inflation is driving many of our elderly, on fixed incomes, to eat cat food. (I saw an elderly lady I know in a store recently and she bought 20 cans of cat food on sale for fifty cents a can. I know her. She doesn't have a cat.)

In just about every category, America is slipping. We have been slipping ever since George W. Bush went into office and we continue to slip - in some areas more faster - with Obama.

When George W. Bush was president, there were a lot of people from other countries who hated us. They didn't respect us. With Obama, not only do these people still hate us and not respect us, but it seems like more have joined in with the hate. The one thing we did have going for us with George W. Bush was, at least these people may have feared us just a little. The same with Reagan when he was president. I say, if these terrorists are not going to like us, or respect us, then at least they best damn well fear us. Under Obama, they stopped fearing us and have now began to mock us.

The point is, America has gone to crap in the past 16 years under a republican and a democrat. It doesn't look like the "professionals" are doing such a good job. In fact, these career politicians are doing the worst job ever.

In a recent interview, I heard Jeb Bush say that he would be honored to be the next president of the worlds 12th largest economy. I shuddered in disbelief and almost broke my 15 year record of not throwing up. How could a real American or patriot even keep a straight face when saying that? Jeb Bush is "proud" that America is 12th in world economy? Someone needs to bitch smack that idiot in the back of the head with a frying pan. It's disgusting. I would not be honored to be the president of a country who is 12th in world economy when they should be, at worst, top five! You lost any hope for my vote Jeb. You're a dumb-ass.

 The truth is, he wasn't ever going to get my vote anyway. He is a career politician and I do not vote for career politicians anymore. Not since Bill Clinton.

In my life, I have only voted a total of 3 times. My first vote went to Reagan for his second term. My second vote went for Ross Perot and my third vote went to Bill Clinton, second term. (A GOP, an Independent, and a democrat) I did not vote in between Reagan and Perot and I have not voted since Clinton. Why? Because there was no one worth voting for during those periods. (I never did buy into this whole "Yes We can" crap from Obama.) That is not how our founding fathers wanted it. Only for about the past 100 or so years have we started going the career politician route. In the beginning, it was meant for citizens to take turns serving their country in the political arena (like Trump, for example). But something went terribly wrong with the process, with the dream, and we ended up with career politicians who sell their country and countrymen out to special interest groups. Now our political parties are doing the same thing. Whenever you hear a career politician start talking about "change", they are pulling your leg. We're not really voting in an individual into the white house  anymore, we're voting in a party.

Ever since George Washington left office, this country has been in the hands of either a democrat or a republican. Now here we are, in this mess that we are in.

Many people are saying that Donald Trump is not qualified to be president, and that he would ruin this country. But I ask, what makes one qualified to be president? Clearly Obama wasn't qualified either but you people still elected him. George W. Bush wasn't qualified by a long shot. Between these two, America has fallen from grace. How could Trump do any worse?

How could Trump ruin America anymore than what it has already been ruined? And then people say, he isn't professional enough. Well, I say, if running up the national debt is being professional, then I want to see what an unprofessional can do. If dropping our country from top 5 in world economy to 12th is being professional, then I want to see what an unprofessional can do. If watching our world freedom rankings fall to 20th under a professional, then yeah, maybe we need an unprofessional to pick us back up.

On the good side, America is number one in the world at turning their citizens into criminals. Yes, we are the best at locking our citizens up and throwing them in jail or prison or both. That's something to jump for joy about, isn't it? There's your professionals in true action. Be proud America, you're a felon. Now how can Trump do any worse than that?

Trump tells it like it is. He doesn't apologize for being himself. He is opposite of PC and he is correct when he says that being PC has destroyed this country because it has. He is the only one who really seems like he wants to close the border. I want the border closed too. I want illegals deported. I want the criminal ones deported first. I call it "anchor babies" too and I don't want illegals to be allowed to stay just because they have an anchor baby. And I am sick and tired of democrats "faking" their support or love for these babies when we all know they support abort not deport  - and it's a hypocrisy that I can do without.

The democratic party has so many contradicting beliefs that it isn't even funny. "Life Matters" they say. It doesn't matter if it's black life, white life, or all life, but one thing is for certain, they don't think "future life" matters.

Hillary Clinton tweets, "They are called babies." - Well, so are they called babies when you abort them Hillary. I shake my head at her stupidity. She is a bigger bimbo than Megyn Kelly. And yes, Donald Trump treated her as he would a man. He treated her "equally", and what did he get for it? He was / is called a misogynist or a sexist. I guess with the women of N.O.W., you can't win either way. Treat girls as equals or tell them to go back into the kitchen and you're a hater regardless. There is no pleasing them. I think they want equal rights so they can have more shit to bitch about. But that's my opinion.

And then the democrats go out of their way to try and get me to stop smoking tobacco but they pass laws in so I can smoke marijuana? Talk about sending mixed signals. The funny thing is, smoking weed at 15 led me to smoking cigarettes at 17. And then there's this whole war on junk food. You don't want me to smoke tobacco, but you do want me to smoke weed and oh, by the way, you want to take away my junk food? Talk about a munchy bummer.

I think Trump will be one of the best presidents in our history because he can't be bought out by any political group or any special interest group. But even if he does fail, it wouldn't be because he sold us all out and that in itself would be refreshing.

Trump says he's going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it and I am going to believe him. He says he is going to kick out the illegals and those with anchor babies and I am going to believe him. He says he is going to bring back jobs for Americans who want them and I believe him. He says he is going to go after ISIS and I believe him. After all, these are some things that Bush and Obama said too, but it turned out they lied.

I'm not so hot for Trumps healthcare plan, but I will give it a try if he does all of the other things he is promising. He says he is going to fix our tax problems and you know what? I'm going to believe him. And I will continue to believe him until he actually lies to me. But I don't think he's lying. I think he really does want to make America great again. I know it's not going to be easy and I'm sure Trump knows this as well, but if there is one person I can trust to do the right thing for this country, it's another fellow citizen, not another lying career politician. But Trump has the business mind to get our economy back on track before we collapse like Greece. He's the only one I trust with our country's economy.

All of the things I mentioned are the reasons why I am voting for Trump. I want America to be great again and it's just not going to happen with Hillary, Bernie, Jeb, Martin, Walker, or any other candidate running. Not Fiorina or the good doctor, Ben Carson. Only Trump has the ability to get America back to being great. With anyone else, we know pretty much what we are getting, the same old, same old, politics as usual.  Even with Carly and Ben because, and I can't stress this enough, Trump was the only one who raised his hand when asked of his LOYALTY to the republican party. He is the only one who is his own free thinker and doer. Trust no one else who didn't raise their hand.


Because there is no one else I can honestly trust with the future of this country. 

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