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Sleek liqueur lipstick photos and swatches

 I've had this lipstick for a while and just found the swatches I took of it, it is really such a great color.

Sleek lipsticks are packaged nicely in little black rubberized cases that are similar to NARS lipsticks.

If you are looking for an everyday go with everything color, this just might be it.
It's a nice neutral beige with slight gold pearl. It sort of reminds me of  MAC viva glam V (swatch here)

Swatch of Sleek  liqueur:

Wearing  Sleek  liqueur:

The finish is a nice creamy satin, and feels moisturizing on. Unfortunately lasting power isn't the greatest, so it needs to be reapplied often.

Do you have an everyday go-to lipstick? Tell me! Mine is MAC blankety :)

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