I've realized recently that the main reason why I wear foundation is to hide the redness in my face. My skin is actually pretty alright, but it can get red very easily. Washing my face makes it red, which I think is normal for most people, but it feels hot and bothersome afterwards. I've tried to use skincare items that are gentle for my dry skin and ones that do not irritate it, but it's definitely been hit and miss in that department. I also tend to blush very easily and flush if I am exercising. Foundations cover that up for the most part, but I find I have to focus a lot of product on my cheeks and use high-coverage foundations when I really shouldn't have to. If I could tone down the redness I would be much happier with my complexion.
In January, I decided to pick up Smashbox's Photo Finish primer in the Color Correcting version "adjust" which is meant to tone down redness in discoloration. It's similar to the original Photo Finish (which is very good) but with a green tone, I think it's more of an olive tone however. This product is described as a "silky blend of antioxidants, vitamins A & E, and soothing botanicals like soy, lemongrass, and orchid complex rejuvenates and refines." It's quite expensive, on the Sephora website it's listed as $38 US, more than any other primer that I've used, but I managed to get it for a bit cheaper, and unboxed at AllCosmeticsWholesale.
This product comes in a square airless 30ml bottle, online I've read that it's a glass bottle, but mine is most definitely plastic. It's very lightweight and smaller than I expected. The packaging is great, it comes with a nice pump, and I like that you can see how much product you have left in the bottle, as it moves up as you use it. This product is oil and paraben free as well.
And here is a bit of it on the back of my hand, as you can tell it's a green tint, but more of a olive or guacamole green I would say. Green is meant to cancel out redness.
Here it is partly blended in, you can tell there is a lot more yellow to the substance as you move it around. The texture is lightweight on your skin, you only need a small amount, that glob there would be enough for most of my face. As any primer it's meant to be worn under foundation to extend the wear of the foundation, help it apply easier, and even out your skin to prep it for foundation application. I do find the original Photo Finish primer to be a lot more greasy and has more slip to it.
To me this primer is quite nice, it gives my skin a slightly matte finish and makes it feel smoother. I notice it the most around my nose where there are minor pores, it fills them in nicely. I also have to use less foundation as it tends to absorb better with this primer underneath. It isn't hydrating though at all for my dry skin, and doesn't leave any kind of glow, more of a mattifying effect (mileage will vary for those with oily skin). In terms of application, if I did not give this sufficient time to sink into my skin, it did tend to ball up which was annoying. I would apply my regular moisturizer, let that sink in, then apply the primer wait again and then continue on with my routine. Some days I didn't have time and I passed on this product.
Now, let's be real, I bought the green version instead of the regular to get the redness correcting properties, and in that area this primer doesn't perform as well as I had hoped. In the picture above, on the left hand I have nothing and on the right I've applied the Adjust primer. It's hard to tell but the redness has been corrected in a minor way, I would say like 10%, my hand also appears more yellow.
Would I recommend this product? It's not a terrible product, but for the purpose that I bought it for, to correct redness it doesn't do as well as I hoped. My quest continues to find a product that can tone down my redness better. If you are interested in this primer, just get the normal kind, this won't be much for redness unfortunately. If you have any suggestions on redness reducing products, please let me know below and my red face will thank you!
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